******** Plotting ******** MSNoise comes with some default plotting tools. All plotting commands accept the ``--outfile`` argument. If provided, the figure will be saved to the disk. Names can be explicit, or tell the code to generate the filename automatically (using the `?` question mark), for example: .. code-block:: sh # automatic naming, save to PNG msnoise plot dvv -o ?.png # automatic naming, save to PDF msnoise plot dvv -o ?.pdf # explicit naming, save to JPG msnoise plot dvv -o mydvv.jpg .. contents:: :local: Customizing Plots ----------------- All plots commands can be overridden using a `-c` argument *in front of the plot command* !! Examples: * ``msnoise -c plot distance`` * ``msnoise -c plot ccftime YA.UV02 YA.UV06 -m 5`` * etc. To make this work, one has to copy the plot script from the msnoise install directory to the project directory (where your db.ini file is located, then edit it to one's desires. The first thing to edit in the code is the import of the :doc:`../api`: ``from ..api import *`` to ``from msnoise.api import *`` and it should work. .. versionadded:: 1.4 Data Availability Plot ---------------------- .. automodule:: msnoise.plots.data_availability Station Map ----------- .. automodule:: msnoise.plots.station_map Interferogram Plot ------------------ .. automodule:: msnoise.plots.interferogram CCF vs Time ----------- .. automodule:: msnoise.plots.ccftime CCF's spectrum vs Time ---------------------- .. automodule:: msnoise.plots.spectime MWCS Plot --------- .. automodule:: msnoise.plots.mwcs Distance Plot ------------- .. automodule:: msnoise.plots.distance dv/v Plot --------- .. automodule:: msnoise.plots.dvv dt/t Plot --------- .. automodule:: msnoise.plots.dtt