.. _installation: Installation ============ .. contents:: :local: Introduction ------------ MSNoise is a set of Python codes that use a database (sqlite or MySQL) and the `find` command. When installed, it provides a top level command ``msnoise`` in the console. .. note:: MSNoise version 1.4 introduces new config parameters in the database. For each project, to upgrade your database, remember to run ``msnoise upgrade_db`` in the project folder. To run MSNoise, you need: * A recent version of Python (3.x recommended). We suggest using Anaconda_ with extra modules (those modules are already distributed with Anaconda_): * setuptools * numpy * scipy * pandas * matplotlib * statsmodels * sqlalchemy * click * flask (new in 1.4) * pymysql (new in 1.4) * Not shipped with Anaconda_: * obspy * flask-admin (new in 1.4) * multiprocessing_logging (new in 1.4) * markdown (new in 1.4) * folium (new in 1.4) * MySQL: if you want to use MySQL, you need to install and configure a :ref:`mysql` beforehand. This is not needed for sqlite. Read :ref:`aboutdbandperformances` for more information. We recommend using MySQL. * The `find` command: present by default on linux and available with gnufind_ on Windows. Python and Packages Installation -------------------------------- If you don't know which Python distribution to use and even if your system comes with a python distribution, we suggest installing Anaconda_, as it comes with most of the above-mentionned tools (those with [*]), and provides the easy_install tool to install the remaining ones. From now on, we suppose you installed Anaconda_, here are the instructions for installing the remaining packages. If you don't use Anaconda, all the packages are available through `pip` or `conda`. To know which packages you are missing, use the bug_reporter script (see :ref:`troubleshooting`) ! Full Installation ----------------- 1. Download and install Anaconda_ for your machine, make sure Anaconda's Python is the default python for your user 2. Execute the following command to install the missing packages: .. code-block:: sh pip install flask-admin conda install -c obspy obspy 3. Install a MySQL server and phpMyAdmin: * WINDOWS: Download and install EasyPHP_ (their "Dev" version is OK - read their installation page carefully, you need to install some Microsoft Visual C redistribuable manually too). Then start EasyPHP. * LINUX: .. code-block:: sh sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client phpmyadmin 4. Create a privileged user and a database: * Connect to your local host: http://localhost/phpmyadmin (or * Click on "Privileges" and create a new user, with all privileges (Select all). Ideally, create user "msnoise" with password "msnoise". 5. WINDOWS ONLY: Install gow_ and make sure its /bin directory is in the PATH (Control Panel -> Environment Variables -> PATH) 6. Install MSNoise: .. code-block:: sh pip install msnoise 7. Check which required packages you are still missing by executing the ``msnoise bugreport`` command. (See :ref:`testing`) 8. Proceed to the :ref:`Workflow` description to start MSNoise! Done ! MySQL Server ------------ .. warning:: MySQL is not compulsory, one *can* work only using sqlite database. See :ref:`aboutdbandperformances`. for more info. MSNoise requires a database in order to store waveform metadata, configuration bits and jobs. If you choose to use MySQL, a running MySQL server must be available, either on the network or on localhost and have a privileged user and a database. Windows ~~~~~~~ The simplest option to install a MySQL server on your machine is to install EasyPHP_, a small “AMP” (Apache, MySQL, PHP) server. Linux ~~~~~ If you don't have a MySQL server on the network, you need to install one locally on your computer. MySQL is usually prepackaged for every distribution, on Ubuntu/Debian you should: .. code-block:: sh sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client We recommend to install phpmyadmin too, as it is a handy tool to edit the database directly .. code-block:: sh sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin This will also install apache2 and php, needed to run phpmyadmin. Once installed, it should be available through http://localhost/phpmyadmin. Database Structure –- Tables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MSNoise will create the tables automatically upon running the installer script (see :ref:`Workflow`). Building this documentation --------------------------- To build this documentation, some modules are required: .. code-block:: sh pip install sphinx pip install sphinx_bootstrap_theme Then, this should simply work: .. code-block:: sh make html it will create a .build folder containing the documentation. You can also build the doc to Latex and then use your favorite Latex-to-PDF tool. .. _gow: https://github.com/downloads/bmatzelle/gow/Gow-0.7.0.exe .. _EasyPHP: http://www.easyphp.org/ .. _obspy: http://www.obspy.org .. _Anaconda: http://www.continuum.io/downloads