.. _how_tos: How To's ======== Reprocess data -------------- When starting to use MSNoise, one will most probably need to re-run different parts of the Workflow more than one time. By default, MSNoise is designed to only process "what's new", which is antagonistic to what is wanted. Hereafter, we present cases that will cover most of the re-run techniques: When adding a new filter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If new filter are added to the filters list in the Configurator, one has to reprocess all CC jobs, but not for filters already existing. The recipe is: * Add a new filter, be sure to mark 'used'=1 * Set all other filters 'used' value to 0 * Redefine the flag of the CC jobs, from 'D'one to 'T'odo with the following: * Run ``msnoise reset CC --all`` * Run ``msnoise compute_cc`` * Run next commands if needed (stack, mwcs, dtt) * Set back the other filters 'used' value to 1 The compute_cc will only compute the CC's for the new filter(s) and output the results in the STACKS/ folder, in a subfolder named by a formatted integer from the filter ID. For example: STACKS/01 for 'filter id'=1, STACKS/02 for 'filter id'=2, etc. When changing the REF ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When changing the REF, the REF stack has to be re-computed: ``msnoise stack -r -i 999`` will ensure all jobs marked done in the last 999 days are checked for modification. The REF will then be re-output. When changing the MWCS parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If the MWCS parameters are changed in the database, all MWCS jobs need to be reprocessed. ``msnoise reset DTT --all`` ``msnoise compute_mwcs`` shoud do the trick. When changing the dt/t parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``msnoise compute_dtt --i 999`` will ensure all MWCS jobs marked done in the last 999 days are checked for modification. Define one's own data structure of the waveform archive ------------------------------------------------------- The data_structure.py file contains the known data archive formats. If another data format needs to be defined, it will be done in the ``custom.py`` file in the current project folder: .. seealso:: Check the "Populate Station Table" step in the :doc:`workflow`. How to have MSNoise work with 2+ data structures at the same time ----------------------------------------------------------------- Not yet implemented. How to duplicate/dump the MSNoise configuration ----------------------------------------------- Not yet implemented. .. _testing: Testing the Dependencies ------------------------ Once installed, you should be able to import the python packages in a python console. MSNoise comes with a little script called `bugreport.py` that can be useful to check if you have all the required packages (+ some extras). The usage is such: .. code-block:: sh $ msnoise bugreport -h usage: msnoise bugreport [-h] [-s] [-m] [-e] [-a] Helps determining what didn't work optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s, --sys Outputs System info -m, --modules Outputs Python Modules Presence/Version -e, --env Outputs System Environment Variables -a, --all Outputs all of the above On my Windows machine, the execution of .. code-block:: sh $ msnoise bugreport -s -m results in: .. code-block:: sh ************* Computer Report ************* ----------------+SYSTEM+------------------- Windows seis31 7 6.1.7601 AMD64 Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel ----------------+PYTHON+------------------- Python: 2.7.5 |Anaconda 1.7.0 (64-bit)| (default, Jul 1 2013, 12:37:52) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] ---------------+MODULES+------------------- Required: [X] numpy: 1.7.1 [X] scipy: 0.12.0 [X] pandas: 0.12.0 [X] matplotlib: 1.3.0 [X] statsmodels: 0.5.0 [X] sqlalchemy: 0.8.2 [X] traitsui: 4.3.0 [X] traits: 4.3.0 [X] enable: 4.3.0 [X] scikits.samplerate: present (no version) [X] obspy: present (no version) [X] sphinx: 1.1.3 [X] jinja2: 2.7.1 Backends: (at least one is required) [X] wx: [ ] PyQt4: not found [X] PySide: 1.2.1 Not required, just checking: [X] setuptools: 0.6 [X] reportlab: $Id$ [X] configobj: 4.7.2 [X] pkg_resources: present (no version) [ ] paramiko: not found [X] ctypes: 1.1.0 [X] pyparsing: 1.5.6 [X] distutils: 2.7.5 [X] IPython: 1.0.0 [X] vtk: present (no version) The [X] marks the presence of the module. In the case above, PyQt4 is missing, but that's not a problem because `wx` or `PySide` are present, so traitsui has a backend to render the GUI for the Configurator. The "not-required" packages are checked for information, those packages can be useful for reporting / hacking / rendering the data. To install a missing package, for example *obspy*, use the pip command: .. code-block:: sh $ pip install obspy